Starring Gareth Thomas, Paul Darrow, Michael Keating, Sally Knyvette, David Jackson, Jan Chappell & Peter Tuddenham, with Jaqueline Pearce & Stephan Grief Written by Terry Nation Directed by Verre Lorrimer The Federation complex on Centero has become Blake's next target, his aim - to steal the Federation's cypher machine. With that, he'll be able to decode all Federation communications and transmissions. But the plan goes horribly wrong when Cally is separated from her teleport bracelet and caught in the ensuing explosion. Blake wishes to go back, but with the Liberator now being pursued, turning back would result in the destruction of the ship. However, worse is to come. Cally is found - alive in the wreckage. However, the supreme commander has assigned a new warrior to find and destroy Blake. Travis is coming for Blake, and his trap has already been prepeared... Seek-Locate-Destroy may not seem, on paper, at least to be a very e...
The pointless witterings of a student as he stumbles through life, involving music, Doctor Who and general musings on life