Released: January 2012 Range: The Fourth Doctor Adventures Range Number: 1.01 Starring Tom Baker, Louise Jameson, Raquel Cassidy, Tim Bentinck, Sam Graham, Tilly Gaunt, Kim Wall & Tim Treloar Written and Directed by Nicholas Briggs After saying their goodbyes to Professor Litefoot and Henry Gordon Jago, the Doctor and Leela respond to an alien distress call beamed direct from Victorian England. It is the beginning of a journey that will take them to the newly built Space Dock Nerva... where a long overdue homecoming is expected. A homecoming that could bring about the end of the human race. Destination: Nerva is a story that has divided opinion. Yes, it certainly isn't the most innovative story ever, most can acknowledge that, but opinion is split regarding whether it's just the right side of traditional, giving Tom Baker a solid slice of traditional Who, or that it's a story that's been done to death so many times and it gives Tom Baker a poor introduc...
The pointless witterings of a student as he stumbles through life, involving music, Doctor Who and general musings on life