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Showing posts from July, 2015

Doctor Who: Big Finish - The Complete Guide

Main Range: 1. The Sirens Of Time  Cast: Sylvester McCoy (The Doctor), Peter Davison (The Doctor), Colin Baker (The Doctor), Sarah Mowat (Elenya/Helen/Ellie/Lyena), Anthony Keetch (Coordinator Vansell), Michael Wade (The President), Colin McIntyre (Sancroff), Mark Gatiss (Captain Schwieger/Captain/Knight 2), John Wadmore (Commandant/Lt Zentner/Pilot Azimendah/Solanec), Andrew Fettes (Commander Raldeth/Schmidt), Maggie Stables (Ruthley), Nicholas Pegg (Delegate), Nicholas Briggs (The Temperon) Crew: Director: Nicholas Briggs; Writer: Nicholas Briggs; Music: Nicholas Briggs  Released: July 1999 PrĂ©cis: Three different incarnations of the Doctor are locked out of their TARDIS' and face a deadly danger, while an alien race threaten the Time Lords themselves... Observations: Big Finish had tried to secure the Doctor Who licence in 1998, but the BBC didn't allow it. However, after they released four audio plays based on Bernice Summerfield books, the BBC relented, and...