Starring Billy Treacy, Daniel Sherratt & Christopher Thomson, with Sam Dimitrijevic as the Master and Benji Clifford as the Daleks and the Cybermen. Written by Billy Treacy (Episodes 1-2 & 4) & Daniel Sherratt (Episode 3) Evil Of The TARDIS: The Doctor and his newest companion Martin the Pug confront an enemy within the walls of their own home. Patience Of The Daleks: A long line of spaceships are queuing up towards Earth, and a set of old enemies are within it. The English Country Garden: It's Oxford in the 1940's, and the TARDIS landing on a flowerbed sets off an extraordinary chain of events. The Pug Masterplan: The Doctor discovers the truth about Martin's purpose in the TARDIS during a confrontation with his best enemy: the Master. Now, many of you won't know what the Aimless Wanderings series of audios are. If not, let me give you a quick rundown. In 2013, the YouTubers known as FiveWhoFans decided to start doing their o...
The pointless witterings of a student as he stumbles through life, involving music, Doctor Who and general musings on life