Once again, it's a Monday, so once again, it's time to give my thoughts on this week's chart. There's been a little bit of movement in the charts (such as the loss of I Would Like - what are you doing Spotify listeners?), but, for the most part, this is going to play out a lot like last week's chart. There may, therefore be a small bit of copy and pasting, but hey, this is my gig, I make the rules. 10. You Don't Know Me - Jax Jones (Chart Position - 3) Oh, for crying out loud... I Would Like is off the chart, but this, Say You Won't Let Go and Rockabye aren't? What is wrong with you all, you moronic, half-demented bunch of cranks? I am really starting to despise this song, because it's getting so much unwarranted praise and attention. It's like Work all over again: a pile of utter rubbish lifted to stardom. I despise this song, and with good reason, since everything about it doesn't work. It's really not an enjoyable listen, and I know...
The pointless witterings of a student as he stumbles through life, involving music, Doctor Who and general musings on life